Sunday, 31 May 2009

Ridiculous O'Clock

Do you remember the days when having a lie in meant sleeping until 10am, not 6am? They are now a hazy memory. I used to be a night person. Actually, I still am, really which is why getting up at ridiculous o'clock is still tricky for me! I never thought I would actually be able to tell people when birdsong begins (3:15am in the East Midlands, UK). I'm having a hard time remembering when I last had a proper NAP. You see, naps were still VERY important to me not more than a year ago. I would happily take naps in the afternoon, particularly on a Sunday, for up to 2 hours...and I'm a grown woman! Sleep is an entirely different thing now though. How did I become able to hear Little Miss go "...cough..." and fly out of bed in the middle of the night? Apparently I have an entirely different hearing ability now that motherhood has set in. Perhaps that's something they snuck in during my c-section? A quick tweek on my hearing? Why couldn't they also do a quick tweek on my abdominal area as well?
As I type, Little Miss is toodling around the lounge after waking at 5:39am. This is our life. The joy that is Little Miss almost always begins in the 5 o'clock hour. And while that hour is moderately offensive, what a joy she is when we bring her into bed with us. Usually it begins with a rattling of the bars (chicka-chicka-chicka) and then a bit of chatter followed by "Dada...Dada??". Dada does usually get up to get her (after a bit of a "Your daughter is calling you" prod). "Dada!!!" she calls out when the door precious! Would that we could all wake up so happy! Depending on the ridiculousness of the hour, we might try to lay her down between us in an attempt to get a few more minutes shut eye but more often than not it's play time. We have a lovely routine, really. During the week, Dada gets up with Little Miss for an hour before he needs to get ready for work and that's where I can have a little flash back to those days of Lie In's...those 45 minutes extra kip are so nice. On the days where I get up with Little Miss, do I grumble just a bit in a nostalgic moment for the days when I knew nothing of ridiculous o'clock or birdsong? Honestly, yes...but the face of my gorgeous daughter, the squeeze around the neck and little voice which happily says "Mama" as we leave the room makes ridiculous o'clock the best time of the day.


  1. I totally agree with you, their lovely grins in the morning makes it slightly more acceptable, but there are days it just isn't enough... somedays I just want to sleep... :)

  2. If given the opportunity to have a full nights sleep with no one to wake me at all, I wonder if I could even have a lie-in anymore? On the rare Saturday or Sunday when hubby is home and can stay the whole day with us, I still end up only being able to lie-in until about 8am! C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas?? Dommage!
    A la prochaine!

  3. I totally understand what you mean... I'm a night person and crave that time at night alone, watching tv, blogging, reading, sipping tea, whateva! But when the child insists on waking up before 7 am... ugh, grumpy mum alert. It's crazy how much changes when we become mums. But that little smile is all worth the while ;)

  4. Well said Margarita! :) Cheers for the comment!

  5. I love the morning snuggles we have first thing when monkey comes into bed with us, although I agree that anything before six is a bit painful! I do miss the snuggles we used to have when breastfeeding and co-sleeping full-time though.

    Roll on the day she's ready to stay overnight at my Mum's - I'll be having the lie-in to end all lie-ins!

  6. I don't know if I'll ever be ready for an overnight! Maybe when she's 18?? ;)

  7. I remember the pre kids days fondly , naps and long lies and staying at past midnight without feeling guilty.
    Dragging myself out of bed i remind myself its not forever and on day i will possibly even miss it

  8. It's not so bad, really, but I do miss the naps...sigh.
